Thursday, May 5, 2016

First Draft of Stump Speech

I productively on my stump speech by revising my first draft, practicing reading it out loud, and my working to peer edit.
  1. Share Exit Ticket expectations 
  2. Looking ahead: Next class, Mrs. Hogan visits with technology help; class after, speeches are due!

If you didn't come to class with your draft done, please do this first--
1) Outline your speech
2) Rough draft --> then move on
  1. First Draft Checklist [Click here] and hard copy in class
  2. Writing Center/Teacher/Parent Draft Form [click here] and hard copy in class
    1. Make a WC appointment! 
  3. Creating your campaign poster in Pic Collage [Click here] and hard copy in class.
  4. Exit Ticket self-assessment 

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