Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Book Thief Day #1

I can summarize the main concepts from The Book Thief thus far.  I can collect definitions and examples to help me support the concepts and vocabulary I will be exposed to during this unit.
  1. Organize digitally!
    1. Make a quarter 3 folder--> put old pieces in it
    2. These pieces should be out in the open when I click on your folder
      1. "Book Thief Journal"
      2. HW 1-55 BT 
      3. Draft Letter on top of your Macbeth Speech
      4. Campaign poster
  2. Quiz over 1-55 of BT
  3. What is the final assessment for this unit?
  4. Poetic/Historical/General vocabulary (click here)
    1. PicCollage Period 3/4 Collection Folder (click here)
    2. Name it the vocabulary word/concept before uploading 
  1. Found Poetry Activity
    1. 3/4 W Color Collection (click here)
    2. Directions (click here)
  1. HW:
    1. Read 56-206 by May 24th and worksheet (click here)

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