Friday, June 10, 2016

P3/4W Last Day!

Wrapping up the year:
  • Entrance Ticket
  • Poetry Work--> you'll select one (OR TWO) to go in our chapbook: STRUGGLE
    • Poem #4: Paint Swatch Poetry #2
      • Directions: (click here)
      • Due: In class June 8th
      • OR Poem of your choice inspired by "STRUGGLE"
If you need a break from poetry, or are done, consider:
  • Donating an image or photo to go in the pages of our chapbook
  • Creating your thesis for your final essay
  • Outlining your essay
  • Studying vocabulary (link on right side of blog)
  • Reading the two articles from last class, keeping in mind your question is, "Why do we make distinctions between 'us' and 'them'"?

Please put your 3/4 White poems here:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

P3/4M & P8/9M: LAST DAY!

I can revise, edit, and polish 1-2 poems to contribute to our classroom chapbook by the end of class.
Wrapping up the year:
  • Entrance Ticket
  • Group photo for poetry book
  • Reminder of Poetry Work to go in your Google Folder--> you'll select one (OR TWO) to go in our chapbook:
    • Poem #1: Found Poetry--> Video
    • Poem #2: Paint Swatch Poetry for Book Thief 
What you are doing today: two poetry options
    • Poem #3: Paint Swatch Poetry #2 for Your Life
    • OR Poem of your choice inspired by our one word theme: tragedy (P3/4) or struggling (P8/9)
If you need a break from poetry, or are done, consider:
  • Donating an image or photo to go in the pages of our chapbook
  • Creating your thesis for your final essay
  • Outlining your essay
  • Studying vocabulary (link on right side of blog)
  • Reading the two articles from last class, keeping in mind your question is, "Why do we make distinctions between 'us' and 'them'"?
At the end of class--donate your poem or two of choice to this folder:

Period 3/4 Maroon: 

Period 8/9 Maroon: 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

P3/4W: Poetry Madness

Wrapping up the year:
  • Group photo for poetry book
  • Poetry Work--> you'll select one (OR TWO) to go in our chapbook: STRUGGLE
Two poetry options for today:
    • Poem #3: Paint Swatch Poetry #2
    • OR Poem of your choice inspired by "STRUGGLE"
If you need a break from poetry, or are done, consider:
  • Donating an image or photo to go in the pages of our chapbook
  • Creating your thesis for your final essay
  • Outlining your essay
  • Studying vocabulary (link on right side of blog)
  • Reading the two articles from last class, keeping in mind your question is, "Why do we make distinctions between 'us' and 'them'"?
***I need you poem selections by next class***

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

P3/4M & P8/9M: Finishing The Book Thief, Exam Prep, Poetry

I can...give an example of a single word theme and a full sentence theme.
  1. Make information folders for exam (if you are absent, please see Ms. P)
  2. Clarifying theme: We actually have two types of themes:

Wrapping up the year:
  • Review thesis statements by watching video on the right hand side
  • Poetry Work--> you'll select one to go in our chapbook: [Insert voted single word theme]
    • Poem #1: Found Poetry--> Video
    • Poem #2: Mirror Poem --> Examples
    • Poem #3: Paint Swatch Poetry
    • Anthony: artwork due next time for P8/9

In case you are curious, you should have the following in your Name Folder in Google:
  1. BT Journal
  2. BT HW Questions 1-55, 56-206, 207-370, 371-End
  3. Poem #1: Found Poetry, Poem #2: Mirror Poem, Poem #3: Paint Swatch 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

P3/4W: Monday June 6th

Clarifying theme
We actually have two types of themes:
Wrapping up the year:
  • Outline for Final Essay Prompt
  • Review thesis statements
  • Vocabulary work
  • Poetry Work--> you'll select one to go in our chapbook: STRUGGLE

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Sub Day P3/4M and P8/9M

I can make good use of independent work time.  I can experiment with poetic devices.

Period 3/4M
  1. Journal Entry #1 for Book Thief --> 10 mins
  2. Fill out this form [click here]to submit your favorite one word theme for The Book Thief.  We will then vote, as a class, on which one is our favorite and it will become the theme for the chapbook (book of poetry) we will create as a class.  
    1. Anyone want to volunteer to draw the cover art once we've selected a theme? Email me! 
  3. Senior Projects: leave at 8:15 for 8:20 w/ Lily Johnston, Ella Russell, Chloe Hight. Stay for 8:40 with Hannah Schnyder.
  4. Return to class
Period 8/9M
  1. Give out exit tickets
  2. Go over the outline of Final Exam and Exam Rubric (links below)
  3. Read until 2:00 (If you need a break from reading, practice vocabulary on Quizlet--see link below)
  4. Journal Entry #1 for Book Thief--> 10 mins 
  5. Fill out this form [click here] to submit your favorite one word theme for The Book Thief.  We will then vote, as a class, on which one is our favorite and it will become the theme for the chapbook (book of poetry) we will create as a class.  
    1. Anyone want to volunteer to draw the cover art once we've selected a theme? Email me! 
  6. Return Exit Tickets

Information on the Final Exam for English 10: