Thursday, October 9, 2014

Revision Day #1 (Curious Incident Expository Essay)

  1. TRIAC---> handy, handout
  2. Blog post #3:
    • While I am checking in on your individual rough drafts, please read the article on editing your own work.  CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE.
    • Post on your personal blog the following 3-2-1 response:
      • 3 things that stood out to you about editing a paper
      • 2 Initial steps you will take to edit your own paper.
      • 1 thought on peer editing (for or against? explain).  This is your own opinion and not related to the article.
  3. Contribute to "Passage Bank" if you have not already.
  4. Make a writing center appointment!  I would like everyone to visit once during this process.  You can go today, Tues, Wed, Thurs during your studyhall (and Friday  if you are 6/7W).  
    • They will give you a sheet of paper confirming your visit :) Please keep and turn in with your essay.  This a screen shot of next week's appointments.
  5. Edit your own paper using the process outlined in the article you read.
Final Essay due date: 
17th (3/4M & 6/7M) and 20th (6/7W)

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