- TRIAC---> handy, handout
- Blog post #3:
- While I am checking in on your individual rough drafts, please read the article on editing your own work. CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE.
- Post on your personal blog the following 3-2-1 response:
- 3 things that stood out to you about editing a paper
- 2 Initial steps you will take to edit your own paper.
- 1 thought on peer editing (for or against? explain). This is your own opinion and not related to the article.
- Contribute to "Passage Bank" if you have not already.
- Make a writing center appointment! I would like everyone to visit once during this process. You can go today, Tues, Wed, Thurs during your studyhall (and Friday if you are 6/7W).
- They will give you a sheet of paper confirming your visit :) Please keep and turn in with your essay. This a screen shot of next week's appointments.
- Edit your own paper using the process outlined in the article you read.
Final Essay due date:
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