Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Outlines due; Blog post #2

  1. Blog post #2:
    • While I am checking in on your individual outlines, please read the article on creating a strong thesis statement.  CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE.
    • Post on your personal blog the following 3-2-1 response:
      • 3 things that you already knew about writing papers/a thesis.
      • 2 things you learned
      • 1 question you still have
  2. When you are done with your blog, please contribute to the "Passage Bank" on googledocs. All you have to do is type one of the passages you found to be helpful (look to any of your HW assignments) onto the group document and include the page number.  You DO NOT need to include why it was helpful.
  3. Make a writing center appointment!  I would like everyone to visit once during this process.  You can go today, 8th, 9th, 14th, 15th, 16th.  
  4. Done with #1, #2, & #3? Work on your FIRST DRAFT due next class! 

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