Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dystopia writing! Twilight Zone!

  • By the end of class today 300-500 words of your dystopia
    • Google Docs "Dystopian Draft"
    • This is not the same as the 150 word character description
    • Highlight yellow at least two metaphors or similes you use 
    • I'd like to look at them over break!
SECOND (45 mins):
  • Twilight Zone: Number 12 Looks Just Like You 
  • Google Doc called "Twilight Zone Reflection"
    • How is episode a dystopia?
    • How does this relate to F451?
    • What would the author's of this episode want you to know about "true-happiness"?
Here is what time we will transition to the second half of class:
  • P3/4M: 9:45-->start movie
  • P8/9M: 1:35--> start movie
  • P6/7W: 12:20--> start movie

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Catch Up

  • Watch iMovies we haven't seen yet
  • Do Q2 reflection: make sure to write a comprehensive narrative to support your grade
  • Writing your dystopia
    • Human condition which worries you + exaggeration+ future = dystopia
    • Figurative language: simile, metaphor, hyperbole
    • Imagery: make us feel like we are there
    • Plot 
  • HW:  300-500 words of your dystopia due on Thursday in GoogleDoc for P3/4M and P8/9M; due Friday for P6/7W

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sub day plans!

  1. Part I: Pick a human condition you are going to exaggerate for your story.  Look at the pictures you took on your iPad of the brainstorming we did last class for help.
  2. Part II: Create your own Harrison Bergeron-esque description (remember when I made you draw harrison because it was so descriptive???) of your protagonist or antagonist.  150-200 words.  Try out figurative languageand description in order to create strong imagery for your readers. Due next class!
  3. Done?! Start writing your story...or continue one you've already started. Good luck! Be fearless! Be creative! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

End of F451 & Harrison Bergeron reading

  1. Collect HW 140-165 (END) in your Google Folder--Woot, woot! You're done!
  2. Harrison Bergeron activity: reading a short story
  3. Index Card discussion over end of book
  4. HW: 
    1. Part I: Pick a human condition you are going to exaggerate for your story.  Look at the pictures you took on your iPad of the brainstorming we did last class for help.
    2. Part II: Create your own Harrison Bergeron-esque description of your protagonist or antagonist.  150-200 words.  Try out figurative language and description in order to create strong imagery for your readers. Due next class!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Literary Terms Review & Index Card Conversation

  1. Literary Terms Packet: Completed for today! 
    • "F451 106-140 HW" due for today, make sure it's in google docs folder:
      1. Get ready to participate in the group conversation! 
    • Homework: "F451 140-179 (End) HW" questions and reading: 
      1. Due 3/4 & 8/9: Dec 10th
      2. Due 6/7: Dec 11th

    Tuesday, December 2, 2014

    Welcome Back! Literary Terminology Packet.

    1. Entrance slip: What do you remember from last class's discussion?
    2. Literary Terms Packet
    3. "F451 106-140 HW" due for next class:
      1. Get ready to participate in the group conversation! 

      Monday, November 24, 2014

      Happy Thanksgiving! F451 to 105 due today.

      1. Pass in, and title, "F451 71-105 HW" in google folder
      2. Index Card Discussion; participation counts!
      3. Watch iMovies for Vocabulary 
      4. "F451 106-140 HW" for after vacation:
        1. P3/4 & 8/9M due: Dec 4th 
        2. P6/7W due: Dec 5th 

      Read toward 105 in F451; P6/7 only agenda

      Thursday, November 20, 2014

      3/4 and 8/9 Substitute Day

      • Keep reading in F451 toward page 105
      • Fill out questions just like last time (see link here)
      • Be ready for a group "Index Card" conversation like last time for Tuesday! 

      Wednesday, November 19, 2014

      F451 to page 70 due

      • Introduce final project for F451
      • Vocabulary activity (P3/4 only with Ms. Walker)
        • Step #1: Explain the guessing process
        • Step #2: Given a partner (you're welcome!)
        • Step #3: Guess all 14 words
        • Step #4: Compare guesses with definitions
        • Step #5: Individual drawing on index card--self challenge
        • Step #6: Mingle! 3 people and get it signed on back.  
      • Collect HW for 36-70 in F451
        • 1 Red question
        • 2 Blue questions
        • 3 Black questions
        • Saved to your Google Doc folder. Keep the colors so I know which types you selected.
      • Index card conversation: Get ready to participate!
      • Watch Vocabulary Movies!
      • HW: read toward 105 for two classes from now; complete a new set of questions like from last class.  Be prepared for a similar discussion style!

      Monday, November 17, 2014

      Dystopia Blog #3, Vocab #2, and Vocab movie due!

      Period 8/9 & 6/7:

      • Dystopia #3--10 minute write on your blog 
      • Vocabulary #2
      • Ray Bradbury movie - 3 things you noticed 
      • Reading toward page 70 for next class
      • Export your iMovie Vocabulary Projects as instructed by Ms. Peterson.
        • Place in the Google Folder shared by Ms. P titled "Vocabulary Movies"
      Period 3/4 with Ms. Walker:
      • Benjamin Franklin Activity: 
        •  Pairs: 
          • Mya & Kirston
          • Reid & David
          • Keegan & Kym
          • Chandler C & Chandler W
          • Bre & Rachel
          • Austin & Min
          • Ben & Matt
          • Kelsey & Jack
          • MJ & Rebecca
          • Dustin & Nick
        • Is Franklin’s burning of British books different than the Nazi’s burning of “un-German” material? 
      • Statement Activity: 
        • •Rank each statement on a scale of 1-5 (strongly disagree to strongly agree)
      • Blog: Is censorship ever justified? Why or why not? Do you think the people in 
        • Fahrenheit 451 are truly happy with their very censored lives? 
        • Homework: Answer questions on HW sheet (<---click)
          • For P3/4, 8/9 ONLY
            • 1 Red question
            • 2 Blue questions
            • 3 Black questions
            • Due next class, saved to your Google Doc folder. Keep the colors so I know which types you selected.
        • Export your iMovie Vocabulary Projects as instructed by Ms. Peterson.
          • Place in the Google Folder shared by Ms. P titled "Vocabulary Movies"

        Friday, November 14, 2014

        Substitute Day for Friday 11/14: 6/7White only

        Step #1: I need to know what you already know...and what you don't!  We will be working on narratives next, so these terms will be handy.  Click on the Survey of Literary Terms you already know: 
          Step #2: Pick one of the following to write about in your blog for 10 minutes. (Or pick up on the last one you were writing).  
            • Call it "Dystopia #2" in title 

          Step #3: Start reading to page 70 in F451; this is due two classes from now.  I am including guiding questions here: .  Please make a copy of it for yourself and put into your Google Name Folder.   They are meant to help you pull out information from the text that will help you understand what is going on.

          Step #4: Last 20 mins of class.  Work on your vocabulary projects; they are due next class! 

          Thursday, November 13, 2014

          Day #2 dystopia

          P 3/4 with Ms. Walker:

          • Collect homework...1-35 "I noticed" worksheet 
          • Video with Ray Bradbury 
            • Write down three things that they noticed or were noteworthy
            • Whip-around with one of your responses ("pass" if you'd like)
            • Collect at end, make sure your name is on it
          • Book Thief clip & Article from Holocaust Memorial Museum 
            • Blog entry titled "Book Burning"
            • 10 minutes of writing 
            • Why would governments (F451 and/or Nazi regime) want to burn books? Possible sub-questions:
              • Why would benefit them?
              • What's the danger of books to authority?
              • Why would people rebel against this?
              • How would would feel?
            • BONUS: Do you think there there any valid reasons for destroying books?
            • BONUS: Who does Dr. Goebbels remind you of in F451 and why?
          P 8/9 & 6/7:
          • Collect HW-- 1-35 "I Noticed" worksheet
          •  Pick one of the following to write about in your blog for 10 minutes.
            • Call it "Dystopia #2" in title 

          • Review last night's reading (pages 1-35) 
            • What did you notice? 
            • Part I: 
              • Order the events from the cutouts given by Ms. Peterson
              • Explain the significance of each with your partner 
              • Report out to class
            • Part II: Second blog entry for today....
              • Title: F451 and happiness
              • Question: Do you think Montag is a happy person?  What about Mildred? Would you be happy given the life they appear to be living? Use examples from the book as support.
              • Length: 100-150 words.
          • Due next class: Vocabulary Project!  Continue working toward page 70 in F451.

          Monday, November 10, 2014

          Welcome to Fahrenheit 451

          Period 3/4 with Ms. Walker

          • Visualizing Fahrenheit 451
            • fun with markers and colored pencils!
          • Questions for you and partner (Be prepared to have one partner report out on conversation.)
            • What did you envision when you closed your eyes?
            • What did you draw?
            • What image/language jumped out at you?
            • Were you and your partner drawn to similar parts of the passages?
          • Partners (already decided by the fates!)
            • Mya & Kirston
            • Reid & David
            • Keegan & Kym
            • Chandler C & Chandler W
            • Bre & Rachel
            • Austin & Min
            • Ben & Matt
            • Kelsey & Jack
            • MJ & Rebecca
            • Dustin & Nick
          • Reading time!
            • Homework: "I noticed..." worksheet due next class explained by Ms. Peterson
          • Exit Ticket: "Describe another part of the reading where you visualized."

          P8/9 & P6/7
          1. Ten minute writing on the following prompt (CLICK HERE)...please make it a blog post titled "Dystopia #1)
          2. Vocabulary: SIX NEW WORDS! WOO HOO! 
          3. Visualizing class activity
          4. Homework: "I noticed..." worksheet due next class and to page 35

          Thursday, November 6, 2014

          Tuesday, November 4, 2014

          Book Bites!

          • It's a book!
            • Would you rather pick your own book? Or read a class novel?
          • Book're invited! 
          • What's a dystopia?
            • Dystopian book list: 
            • Directions: Pick 6 of the following bullets to put on your Pic Collage about one book
              • Plot summary (1-2 sentences)
              • Why it interested you
              • Reminds you of another book or movie...because...
              • Title and author
              • #pages and/or lexile level
              • Picture of the cover
              • Picture of a character
              • Picture that represents the plot 
              • Conflict overview
              • protagonist overview
              • A snippet from a review (cite it)
              • Other: what can you come up with?
          Work in progress...what else would you want to know...?

          Friday, October 31, 2014

          Happy Halloween!

          Goals for Vocabulary Project (last in-class day to work on it!):
          • Complete all your sentences (20-25 words for max credit)
          • Record, just let me know before you leave
          • Come back 10 mins before end of class to look at what you collected

          Wednesday, October 29, 2014

          October reflection & Vocabulary Project work

          1. Target: Please reflect on your work in the month of October.   Fill  out the rubric based on the quality, completeness, and timeliness of your work.  Below are a list of activities and assignments we have had in October:
              1. Watch Big Bang Theory and fill out table on how Sheldon lines up with the qualities of autism.
              2. Read article on Sheldon and whether or not he may have autism, blog post
              3. Blog posts on Editing Articles (3-2-1 style)
              4. Contribution to passage bank for essay writing
              5. Write an outline of your essay
              6. Write a rough draft of your essay
              7. Visit the writing center or another teacher/adult with your essay
              8. Participate in the color-coding scavenger hunt
              9. Watch Sherlock Holmes, episode #1
                1. Fill out viewing guide
              10. Begin work on Vocabulary Project iMovie
          2. Goals for project work today:
              1. Use at least 10-15 words in sentences 
                1. Person #1: Typer/writer 
                2. Person #2: Have definitions on their screen.
              2. Try filming two different interviews
                1. Person #1: Film
                2. Person #2: Interview
              3. Be ready to report out on your findings in the last 10 mins of class.

          Monday, October 27, 2014

          Vocabulary Project Day #1

          1. P3/4 only-->getting back your essays 
            1. Assessed on two things:
              1. How you examined ideas (X/100)
              2. Revision (X/100)
            2. Fascinating fact!
              1. Average grade of a writing center visitor: 91%
              2. Average grade of NON writing center visitor: 79%
          2. Handout on the Vocabulary Project
            1. Project due: November 14th
          3. Overview of iMovie--welcome Mrs. Hogan!
          4. Decide which project you'll do...
            1. Begin work to develop questions or outline script
          5. Meanwhile...I'll collect Curious Incident books and give you back essays one-on-one in the hallway.

          Thursday, October 23, 2014

          It's Elementary!

          Friday, October 17, 2014

          Essays due in google

          1. Color Code your essay (yes, ALL of it!)

          • Thesis underlined
          • Key words from prompt that are repeated in thesis, bold
          • Topic sentences (in body paragraphs only), purple
          • Try a reinforcement sentence? Green.
          • Information (in body paragraphs only), italics
          • Analysis (in body paragraphs only), red
          • Repeated language from prompt in concluding sentences (body paragraphs), bold 
          • Transitions, orange--CLICK for examples
          2.  Make sure it's in Googledocs, name folder.  If you cut and paste from Pages, you lose the color :(

          3. DRAFT LETTER.  Please include at the bottom of your essay.

          Overview: It’s never a good feeling to get a paper back only to be criticized for something you already know isn’t going well, or worse, for something that you thought was pretty great. Your draft letter will give you the opportunity to tell your reader(s) what you think about your piece before it’s evaluated. As a teacher, it’s easier for me to help you improve when I know what you think about a particular assignment!  Please use reasons and examples to support your judgements.

          Task: Write a letter addressed to your reader that reflects on several aspects of your writing. Here are some reflection questions to consider examining in your letter:

          • What is your favorite part of this particular piece and why?
          • Are there any weaknesses you see in this piece? Tell me about them.
          • What techniques did you try which differed from your regular process?
          • How does this piece compare to other pieces you have written?
          • What difficulties did you encounter when creating this piece and why?
          • What really worked in this piece? Why did it seem to work well?
          • What’s one thing you would like to do to improve this piece, if only you knew how to do it?
          • What do you think is the one thing a reader is most likely to take away from your piece?

          You are free to respond to as many or as few of these as you wish. The goal is to think about your writing process and also evaluate what worked well and what didn’t.

          Length: 250-350 words (ideally)
          Format: Follow letter conventions (date, greeting, body, closing, and signature)

          Wednesday, October 15, 2014

          Scavenger Hunt! Revision Day #2!

          Tasks in class:

          • Underline thesis
          • Bold key words from thesis that connect to the prompt.
          • Make topic sentences purple
          • Know who to change the font colors
          • Do you know how to add notes?

          Rules for scavenger hunt:
          • Please walk to your destinations, quietly
          • The focus is on achieving each task
          • 6 stops, then back to room
          • Don't go out of order! Hard to get back on track.
          Essays are due next class, all polished up, in GoogleDocs!
          Bring in evidence of writing center visit.

          Thursday, October 9, 2014

          Revision Day #1 (Curious Incident Expository Essay)

          1. TRIAC---> handy, handout
          2. Blog post #3:
            • While I am checking in on your individual rough drafts, please read the article on editing your own work.  CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE.
            • Post on your personal blog the following 3-2-1 response:
              • 3 things that stood out to you about editing a paper
              • 2 Initial steps you will take to edit your own paper.
              • 1 thought on peer editing (for or against? explain).  This is your own opinion and not related to the article.
          3. Contribute to "Passage Bank" if you have not already.
          4. Make a writing center appointment!  I would like everyone to visit once during this process.  You can go today, Tues, Wed, Thurs during your studyhall (and Friday  if you are 6/7W).  
            • They will give you a sheet of paper confirming your visit :) Please keep and turn in with your essay.  This a screen shot of next week's appointments.
          5. Edit your own paper using the process outlined in the article you read.
          Final Essay due date: 
          17th (3/4M & 6/7M) and 20th (6/7W)

          Tuesday, October 7, 2014

          Outlines due; Blog post #2

          1. Blog post #2:
            • While I am checking in on your individual outlines, please read the article on creating a strong thesis statement.  CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE.
            • Post on your personal blog the following 3-2-1 response:
              • 3 things that you already knew about writing papers/a thesis.
              • 2 things you learned
              • 1 question you still have
          2. When you are done with your blog, please contribute to the "Passage Bank" on googledocs. All you have to do is type one of the passages you found to be helpful (look to any of your HW assignments) onto the group document and include the page number.  You DO NOT need to include why it was helpful.
          3. Make a writing center appointment!  I would like everyone to visit once during this process.  You can go today, 8th, 9th, 14th, 15th, 16th.  
          4. Done with #1, #2, & #3? Work on your FIRST DRAFT due next class! 

          Friday, October 3, 2014

          Blog Post #1 & Outlining Final Essay

          1. Homework check 158-end and Sheldon Cooper article/Blog post #1 (approx. 20 mins)
          2. What do you already know about Expository Essays??? FILL OUT THIS FORM.

          3. Going beyond the 5 Paragraph Essay Keynote.

          4. Pick an outline; complete some sort of outline for homework. Printed out & given in class.  Click here for digital copies.

          • Expository Essay Graphic Organizer
          • Basic Essay Outline (bullet points)
          • Other (your choice)

          Wednesday, October 1, 2014

          Autism Worksheet & Big Bang Theory

          1. Autism Article: Overview 
          2. Fill out worksheet....Could Sheldon have autism? based on the related article/
            1. Christopher Boone (Curious Incident)
            2. Temple Grandin
          3. Watch Big Bang Theory episode 
            1. Add to your third column
          4. Reading Time: Get to END by next class 

          Monday, September 29, 2014

          Week 4 Vocab, HW self-reflection

          1. Example of a solid DEJ
          2. Week #4 vocab activity & HW 102-158 check at the same time!
            1. Activity: With your partner (decided by the fates!) use this week's vocabulary when completing one of the following prompts. As always, underline the words as you use them.
              • Option #1: A houseplant is dying.  Tell it why it needs to live.
              • Option #2: Finish this story, "I deserve a day off from school because..."
              • Option #3: Finish this story, "If only I hadn't gotten the glow in the dark tattoo..."
          3. Homework completion reflection; hard copy passed out by Ms. P
          4. Exit Ticket--5 minute writing prompt.  Pick one of your choice (click HERE).

            Thursday, September 25, 2014

            Homework Reflection

            1. Reading time (get to 158 and complete HW sheet for next class)
            2. Vocab Practice w/partner 
            3. Fly Swatter Game
            4. Homework reflection (if time)

            Tuesday, September 23, 2014

            Due: 52-102; Temple Grandin wrap-up

            1. Week #3 vocab words & HW 52-102 check at the same time!
              • Activity: With your partner (decided by the fates!), write about the day that either:
                •  a) the school was abducted by aliens or 
                • b) the day a stampede of rhinos/elephants/alligators (you pick) invaded the FHS hallways.  
                • c) use ALL SIX WORDS and underline as you use.
            2. HW: Read 102-158 & HW sheet for next week
            3. Watch: Temple Grandin (25-35 mins left) & fill out viewing guide

            Monday, September 22, 2014

            Friday (Sub day) and Monday (White)

            1. Reading toward 102 and work on HW sheet
            2. Watching Temple Grandin to 01:26:00 and fill out viewing form

            Tuesday, September 16, 2014

            Due: 1-52 in Curious Incident

            1. Review last night's reading (1-52) in Curious Incident--activity
              • Look at HW assignment
              • Link back to our inquiry question, "What happens when we deviate from the social norm?"
            2. Final Essay prompt
            3. Watch movie: Temple Grandin (left off at about 26 mins)
            4. HW: Read to 102 for next week, complete accompanying handout (CI 52-102 HW)

            Monday, September 15, 2014

            Reading time, Vocab #2, Temple Grandin movie

            1. Read!  Getting to page 52 & HW sheet for next class.
              1. Audio reader?
            2. words! YEAH!
              • Link to Vocab #2 words
              • Task: Use five of the six vocabulary words to write about the time our class went on a field trip to one of the following locations...underline each as you use them:
                • Disney
                • The African jungle
                • The set of a music video with _______
                • Antarctica 
            3. Movie!
            4. Exit ticket! (Please change date to:  9/15...not 9/11)

            Thursday, September 11, 2014

            Temple Grandin Movie

            1. Social norms/Autism group discussion
            2. Autism clip: 4 mins ---> What do we now know?
            3. Temple Grandin move (15 mins)
            4. Exit slip
            5. Homework Questions: Curious Incident 1-52
              1. Make a copy, fill out, and put in your google folder
              2. If you would prefer, you can have a hard copy from Ms. Peterson, just ask

            Tuesday, September 9, 2014

            Blogging time!

            Inquiry Question for our unit:
            What happens when we deviate from social norms?
            1. Collect HW in Google name folder--title: "Get to Know Ya"
            2. Collect blog addresses via googledoc 
              1. P3/4 M click here
              2. P8/9 M click here
              3. P6/7 W click here
            3. Blog post #1: Free write for about 10-15 minutes on the following questions...
              • What are "social norms"?  How, in your own words, would you define it?
              • What are social norms for....
                • Being a teenager?
                • Visiting family?
                • Meeting new people?
              • Have your heard of autism before (if so, in what context)? What do you already know about Autism? What are you curious about?
            4. Movie: Temple Grandin--->next class
            5. Homework: Begin reading Curious Incident if you'd like to get ahead

            Friday, September 5, 2014

            Blogs, Google Drive, and Vocab #1

            Welcome to English 10!

            Today we will be:
            1. Setting up your individual blogs
              1. Record blog addresses here
            2. Creating and sharing individual Google Folders (titled: Last name, First name)
              1. Share with NOT petersonb@hs.rsu5
            3. Working with vocabulary list #1 (see website for link)
            4. HW: Getting-to-know-ya worksheet (see website for link)

            • Try using all six vocabulary words in order to create a plot summary for one of the following movies/books:
              • Finding Nemo
              • The Lion King
              • Star Wars
              • To Kill a Mockingbird
              • Romeo and Juliet
            • Underline each word as you use it.