Monday, September 28, 2015

Day #10: Curious Incident 102-158

Today's goal: What makes one question different from another?  What types of questions are out there for us to use?
  1. What page are you on? How's the reading?
  2. Question and Answer Relationships: Activity
    1. Four different types of questions
      1. Right There
      2. Think and Search
      3. Author and Me 
      4. On My Own
  3. In your Curious Incident Journal: 
    1. Which questions do you think would make the best type of conversation in the class?  Pick one in particular from your group you would use. 
    2. AND What are some 3-5 questions you would pose to an Autism expert?

Friday, September 25, 2015

Day #9 Finish Temple Grandin Movie

  • While we watch the end of Temple Grandin (approx 30 mins), I will meet with folks re: their reading and HW. 
  • Watch the Temple Grandin Ted Talk (approx. 20 mins) if we have time:
  • Curious Incident Journal: Pick one (or more!)
    • Temple sees the world differently because of her autism.  How did that help her find success? OR
    • As a result of your reading and viewing so far, what do you notice about autism?  What do you continue to wonder about it? OR
    •  If you know someone who has autism, were you able to make personal connections to Temple or Christopher.  OR 
    • Creative Writing: Temple Grandin and Christopher find themselves at the same dinner party...write the scene and how it would unfold.  
  • HW for next class: Get to page 158 and either do 1) the worksheet (see side bar with all the worksheets digitally saved) or continue with sticky notes. 
  • Looking ahead: Eric Campbell from Spurwink will visit to answer your questions about autism next Thursday and Friday.  Be prepared to ask questions!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day #8 CI 52-102

  1. Due today: Reading 52-102 in Curious Incident 
  2. Curious Incident Journal
    1. Option #1 (Creative writing): Write "missing scene" from the book where Christopher spends a day at Freeport High School.  Write from the perspective of either Christopher (like the author does) or from an outside perspective.  Bring to life one moment (eg: lunch, a class, moving from class to class in the hall) in his day and include interactions with other people.  Use descriptive details, like sound, taste touch, sight, smell, to put your readers there. 
    2. Option #2 (Opinion): Is it ever okay to abandon your children? Give various scenarios in which you see the pros or cons of that decision.  You can base this on real life or on hypothetical, yet realistic, scenarios. 
  3. Fly Swatter Game
  4. Movie: Temple Grandin 
  5. HW for two classes from now: 102-158 and WS or sticky notes continued 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Day #7 Curious Incident Check in & Vocab #2

  1. Curious Incident Journal Entry (this is the document you started in your shared google folder for English class). 
    • Start writing ABOVE your last entry (so, the newest is on top)
    • Add the date (9/22) to today's entry.
    • Quick Write #1: Describe to me how The Curious Incident... reading is going so far for you.  Consider addressing some of these elements:
      • How are you doing with time management?  Are you up to date with the reading?
      • Where are you most successful getting reading done?  What does your setting look like?
      • How is your comprehension of the book?  If you are using the sticky notes, please describe how this is going.
      • How is your connection with the book (are you actively wondering as you read)?  Whether you enjoy it, or not, do you feel like you are making connections as you read? Are you getting your tentacles around this book? 
      • Any other comments.
    • Quick Write #2: 
      • Option #1: As a reader, do you find Christopher funny? Explain.
      • Option #2: What are your thoughts on this book?

  1. words! YEAH!
    • Link to Vocab #2 words (<--this is a hyper link!)
    • Task: Use all six vocabulary words AND one word from last week to write about the time our class went on a field trip to one of the following locations...underline each as you use them:
      • Disney
      • The African jungle
      • The set of a music video with _______
      • Antarctica 
  2. HW due next class: Get to 102 and either do 1) the worksheet (see the HW website for the digital copy) or 2) the sticky note questions.  Next time we will play a version of the fly swatter know your stuff!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day #6: Sub Day!

    • First part of period (until the bell)
      • Time to READ!!! (your tentacles should be ALL over this book!!!)
      • Move ahead with your reading toward the next reading assignment (you should be at 52 today and going to 102. See calendar for specific pages)
      • I will check the HW that was due today next class.
      • For HW, you can again choose between the next worksheet on the website (head over to the link on the side and find a digital copy) OR do a sticky note for each page you read.  More sticky notes are located on my desk in the red bowl.  
    • Second part of period (until you leave)
      • Movie: Temple Grandin
      • Start movie at: 00:07:26 for period (I think we'd skipped some, so I'm backing you up a litte) 3/4 
      • 00:04:23 for period 8/9

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day #5

  1. Britishisms Bookmark 
  2. Why do we ask questions?
  3. Reading with a purpose: The power of asking questions before, during, and after reading.
    1. Goal: Ask questions as often as you need to to connect to the text.
  4. Read!  Getting to page 52 & HW sheet for next class. (HW sheet can be accessed from the hyperlink to the right--Homework and Handouts). 
  5. Movie continuation

Friday, September 11, 2015

Day #4

  1. Create a new doc in your English 10 folder, title it: Curious Incident Journal.  Please date it with today's date at the top.
    • Quick write #1: 
      • Have you witnessed a time when someone suffered as a result of not following the social norms? What happened, how did they feel?  Tell us about the scenario.
      • Have you yourself ever experienced a negative situation because you didn't follow a social norm?  Talk about the incident (s).  
    • Quick write #2:
      • What do you know about autism?
      • What are you curious about in terms of autism? Or, what are you not sure about regarding autism? 
  2. 3 min movie on Autism:
    1. PWs needed: freeport and then maine (case sensitive)
  3. Temple Grandin movie (15 mins)
  4. Exit slip
  5. Homework Questions: Curious Incident 1-52...due two classes from now (I moved the 1-52 date back one day!) . Remember, all HW assignments will also be posted on the website link on the right hand side of this blog.
    1. Make a copy, fill out, and put in your google folder
    2. If you would prefer, you can have a hard copy from Ms. Peterson, just ask

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day #3

Inquiry Question for our unit:
What happens when we deviate from social norms?
  1. Activity:
  2. Questions to consider...
    • What are "social norms"?  How, in your own words, would you define it?
    • What are social norms for....
      • Being a teenager?
      • Visiting family?
      • Meeting new people?
  3. Homework: Begin reading Curious Incident if you'd like to get ahead

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Day #2

  • What are your expectations for this class? Brief written reflection. 
  • Ms. Hogan visits class to set up new email addresses  (20 mins)
  • Bookmarking my website. 
  • Creating and sharing individual Google Folders (titled: Last name, First name)
    • Share with NOT petersonb@hs.rsu5
    • Everything you put in this folder automatically shares with me.
  • HW: "Getting to know you" written piece.  Place in google folder when complete. I recommend copying and pasting the sentences you do like (versus making a copy of the whole document).  It looks cleaner that way :)
  • Vocabulary Activity #1-->Click here for the words and definitions (if time)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome to English 10 Class of 2018! Day #1

  • A "royal" welcoming activity
  • Summer Assignment: Please print for next class.
    • Reader's Journal 1/2-1 page with bibliographic citation
    • Literacy Autobiography approx. 3 pages
  • Vocabulary work...coding the words with a partner based on how well you know them (Emotions based words').
  • Rousing game of "What if..."