Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Pronouns and Reading Practice

I can...identify what a pronoun is and be able to determine the correct pronoun to use in a sentence.
  1. Practice reading your 200 words!  
  2. Pronoun slideshow
  3. Pronoun GAME!
  4. Work on book cover for your dystopia.  Share in the assigned digital folder.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mid Year Exam: Key Hyperlinks

Mid Year Exam

Outline of Exam --> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O6-tr-Zpvn6GC2YqEA2GO1FFE8ZVBc1NMwjjtpjxgoI/edit?usp=sharing

  • 80% essay> OUTLINE TEMPLATE
  • 10% figurative language
  • 10% F451 content questions

Fahrenheit 451 Passage Bank (closed when exam starts): https://docs.google.com/a/rsu5.org/document/d/1ab_qf5YVN3e82yEeYyfytiC8bWih8wRgrFMvYwZTR9A/edit?usp=sharing

Fahrenheit 451 Content Questions (10 will be used on your exam):

In-Class Agenda
  1. Pass in revisions (due by 2:30 today)
  2. Finish watching "Number 12 Looks Just Like Me" season 5, episode 17 of Twilight Zone (can be found on Hulu): What does the writer of this episode want us to believe about true happiness?
  3. Get a hard copy of study packet (same as links above)
  4. Begin to formulate thesis statements (link to helpful video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en1xVDU0xlI)
  5. Practicing figurative language (go to the side bar, click HW link, and you'll find the answer key)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Exam Prep

  1. Go over exam-->see link on side bar
  2. Collect F451 passages--> see link on side bar
  3. Collect F451 content questions--> see link on side bar
  4. "Number 12 looks just like me" Twilight Zone episode on Hulu (season 5, episode 17)
    1. Handed out in hard copy during class
Dystopian revisions due Wed (maroon day) or Thursday (white day).  Must visit writing center or teacher AND fill out "golden" revision ticket in order to be reassessed.  No late submissions accepted.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dystopias ARE BACK!

Two goals for today:

1) Listen to your QuickTime movie feedback which is located in your Google folder.  Fill out feedback form from Ms. Peterson by end of class.

2) Start revising!  Make a writing center appointment! This is the last in class day you will have to revise.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome back! Dystopia is due!

Good morning writers!

I'm sitting down tonight to begin assessing your essays.  As a result, it is of the utmost importance that your piece is completed on time!  Here are the goals for today:

1) Walk through the check-list for completing your essay (hardcopy handed out in class).  This is work you should do independently.

2) Write your Draft Letter (also on the link above).  If you do not complete this in class, then it is homework best done tonight before I start reading your piece.

Good luck!
Ms. Peterson