Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Macbeth: Theme, Example paragraph, work on project

  1. Continue gathering themes from work last class.  
    1. Collect themes on a poster in class.
  2. Flogging Molly song & relating to the theme practice:
    1. Listen to song and read lyrics; highlight any line that seems to relate to the given portion of Macbeth.  

Monday, April 27, 2015

Final Assessment: Macbeth

  1. Who needs to take quizzes from before vacation?
  2. Introduction to final assessment:
  3. Looking closely at the themes in Macbeth (helpful in your project).

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Welcome to Act 5!

  1. Quiz over Act 4 & 5 and Vocabulary on the 15th (maroon) and 16th (white)
    1. Quizlet practice link on the side of this blog.
  2. Socrative Questions (4 questions total)
  3. Act 5 Macbeth vocabulary worksheet: 
    1. Worksheet #1 (Act 5.1-5.3):
    2. Worksheet #2 (Act 5.4-5.7):
  4. Characters:
    1. Lady Macbeth: Mya, Spencer, Drew
    2. Doctor: David, Derick, Shamen
    3. Lady who takes care of Lady Macbeth: Kirston, Evan, Zoe
    4. Menteith: Chandler 2, Cody, Nick
    5. Caithness: Matt R, Stephan, Kyle
    6. Angus: Jarod, Eric, Joey
    7. Lennox: Reid, Max, Sean
    8. Macbeth: Austin, Evan, Alden
    9. Servant: Dominique, Dylan, Sevanna
    10. Seyton [SEE-tun]:  Jack, Baile, TJ
    11. Siward: Kym, Tyler,  Megan
    12. Macduff: Mya, Cody, Zoe
    13. Malcolm: Chandler 2, Ireland, April
    14. Soldier: Kelsey, Mariah, Hailey
    15. Messenger: Min, Derick, Kyle
    16. Young Siward: Jack, Hannah, Shamen
    17. Ross: Rebecca, Alex, TJ

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Reading act 4.2 & 4.3

  1. Reading act 4.2 & 4.3
  2. Guided reading questions (also passed out hard copy):
Witch 1: Matt, John/Josh, Zoe
Witch 2: Kirston, Tyler, Kyle
Witch 3: Rachel, Spencer, Hailey
Hecate: MJ, Derick, April
Macbeth: Austin, Stephen, Alden
1st Apparition (ghost): Dominique, Tyler, Nick
2nd Apparition: Rebecca, Mariah, Joey
3rd Apparition: Reid, Ireland, Sean
Lennox: Chandler 2, Max, TJ
Lady Macduff: Jack, Emily, April
Ross: Chandler 1, Eric, Kyle C
Son: David, Alex, Amber
Messenger: Jarod, Dylan, Kevin
Murder: Rachel, Cody, Nick
Macduff: Mya, John/Josh, Sean
Malcolm: Kelsey, Derick, April
Doctor: Brianna, Dylan, Nick

Friday, April 3, 2015

Macbeth Act 4

  1. Look at quizzes from last time; pass back to Ms. P--not everyone has taken it.
  2. Act 4 Vocabulary
  3. Get reading! Act 4!
  4. Guided reading questions (also passed out hard copy):
Witch 1: Matt, John/Josh, Zoe
Witch 2: Kirston, Tyler, Kyle
Witch 3: Rachel, Spencer, Hailey
Hecate: MJ, Derick, April
Macbeth: Austin, Cody, Alden
1st Apparition (ghost): Dominique, Evan, Nick
2nd Apparition: Rebecca, Mariah, Joey
3rd Apparition: Reid, Ireland, Sean
Lennox: Chandler 2, Max, TJ
Lady Macduff: Jack, Emily, April
Ross: Chandler 1, Eric, Kyle C
Son: David, Alex, Amber
Messenger: Jarod, Dylan, Kevin
Murder: Rachel, Spencer, Nick
Macduff: Mya, Stephen, Sean
Malcolm: Kelsey, Derick, April
Doctor: Brianna, Dylan, Nick