Thursday, January 29, 2015

Semester II: Peer Editing Dystopias!

  • Lip Dub--sign up! See your emails!
  • Collect Books for F451
  • Pass back papers
  • Dystopia presentation outline
  • 15 mins working on your dystopia
  • Finish class: Peer Edit Handout (100 points)
P3/4 Peer Edit Partners
  1. Bre & Kelsey
  2. Rachel & Matt
  3. Mya & Min
  4. Kirston & Keegan
  5. Jack & Kym 
  6. Rebecca & Chandler 1 (abs) & Reid
  7. David & Chander 2
  8. Jarod & Austin
  9. Ben & Dustin (keep writing)
P8/9 Peer Edit Partners
  1. Tyler & Baile & Stephen  
  2. Eric & Cody
  3. Emily (abs) & Stephen
  4. Dylan & Max
  5. Dominique (abs) & Josh (abs)
  6. Ireland & Alex
  7. Mariah & Derick
  8. Spencer & Hannah 
  9. Evan (keep writing)
P6/7 Peer Edit Partners:

  1. Shamen & Joey
  2. Alden & Megan
  3. Nick
  4. Sean & TJ
  5. Drew & Amber
  6. Sevanna & April & Hailey
  7. Kyle C & Kevin 
  8. Ms. P & Zoe

Monday, January 26, 2015

6/7w only: Sub Day with Mr. Skold !

Hey folks,
I'm sorry I'm out today.  Your goals for today are simple:

  • Take a look at the feedback I've given to you on your dystopia.  There is a key, I posted on the top of each paper, on what the different colors mean.  
  • Take time to address the questions/concerns I've raised.
  • Keep writing.  Final draft is due next week (waiting for winter storm to pass and give exact date).
  • Read to a partner and ask for their feedback in terms of typos and storyline confusions.
  • Reply to my email on exactly what you accomplished today in class. 
Ms. P

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Self-Reflection, Quizlet, Socrative, Movie

  1. Self-reflection on work since 12/17
  2. 10 mins of quizlet: All 58 terms are here!
  3. Socrative Competition--good luck!
  4. F451 movie or Dystopia writing 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Body language, sensory detail, and figurative language

Today's Focus: 
Using body language, sensory detail, and figurative language to enhance your story

Monday, January 5, 2015


Overall, focus on the following for your Dystopia:

  • Draft #1 due: Friday 1/9 (M) or Monday 1/12 (W)
  • A problem you see happening in the future
  • What the world would look like should this problem come true...exaggerate the results
    • Possible places we would see this:
      • How we interact with each other?
      • What school, society, community looks like?
      • Daily life?
  • If you do not complete your story, it's okay to consider writing the first chapter or so of a longer piece. 
  • Play with figurative language:
    • simile
    • metaphor
    • alliteration
    • hyperbole
    • personification (or anthropomorphism!) 
    • onomatopoeia * (not one we have discussed)
    • allusion * (not one we have discussed)


Plot Graphic Organizers:

Literary Devices in Pop Culture (a nice review of what each are):
Smart Stories by the "Write Brothers"--they are British: 
2. Once you've been inspired, unstuck, reviewed, or learned something new...keep writing!