Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dystopia writing! Twilight Zone!

  • By the end of class today 300-500 words of your dystopia
    • Google Docs "Dystopian Draft"
    • This is not the same as the 150 word character description
    • Highlight yellow at least two metaphors or similes you use 
    • I'd like to look at them over break!
SECOND (45 mins):
  • Twilight Zone: Number 12 Looks Just Like You 
  • Google Doc called "Twilight Zone Reflection"
    • How is episode a dystopia?
    • How does this relate to F451?
    • What would the author's of this episode want you to know about "true-happiness"?
Here is what time we will transition to the second half of class:
  • P3/4M: 9:45-->start movie
  • P8/9M: 1:35--> start movie
  • P6/7W: 12:20--> start movie

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Catch Up

  • Watch iMovies we haven't seen yet
  • Do Q2 reflection: make sure to write a comprehensive narrative to support your grade
  • Writing your dystopia
    • Human condition which worries you + exaggeration+ future = dystopia
    • Figurative language: simile, metaphor, hyperbole
    • Imagery: make us feel like we are there
    • Plot 
  • HW:  300-500 words of your dystopia due on Thursday in GoogleDoc for P3/4M and P8/9M; due Friday for P6/7W

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sub day plans!

  1. Part I: Pick a human condition you are going to exaggerate for your story.  Look at the pictures you took on your iPad of the brainstorming we did last class for help.
  2. Part II: Create your own Harrison Bergeron-esque description (remember when I made you draw harrison because it was so descriptive???) of your protagonist or antagonist.  150-200 words.  Try out figurative languageand description in order to create strong imagery for your readers. Due next class!
  3. Done?! Start writing your story...or continue one you've already started. Good luck! Be fearless! Be creative! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

End of F451 & Harrison Bergeron reading

  1. Collect HW 140-165 (END) in your Google Folder--Woot, woot! You're done!
  2. Harrison Bergeron activity: reading a short story
  3. Index Card discussion over end of book
  4. HW: 
    1. Part I: Pick a human condition you are going to exaggerate for your story.  Look at the pictures you took on your iPad of the brainstorming we did last class for help.
    2. Part II: Create your own Harrison Bergeron-esque description of your protagonist or antagonist.  150-200 words.  Try out figurative language and description in order to create strong imagery for your readers. Due next class!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Literary Terms Review & Index Card Conversation

  1. Literary Terms Packet: Completed for today! 
    • "F451 106-140 HW" due for today, make sure it's in google docs folder:
      1. Get ready to participate in the group conversation! 
    • Homework: "F451 140-179 (End) HW" questions and reading: 
      1. Due 3/4 & 8/9: Dec 10th
      2. Due 6/7: Dec 11th

    Tuesday, December 2, 2014

    Welcome Back! Literary Terminology Packet.

    1. Entrance slip: What do you remember from last class's discussion?
    2. Literary Terms Packet
    3. "F451 106-140 HW" due for next class:
      1. Get ready to participate in the group conversation!